Educational programs for teacher training in languages and literature

Head of educational programs for teacher training in languages and literature

Turganalieva Ganmirkun Amirkhanovna, Senior lecturer, Master's degree

The history of the department

    The educational program for the training of teachers of language and literature was created on the basis of the departments of Kazakh and Russian philology. The history of the formation and development of the Kazakh Philology Department dates back to 1932, when the Ural Pedagogical Institute was established. One of the first heads of the department was a prominent representative of Kazakh literary studies, the first doctor in the republic, academician Kazhim Zhumaliyev. Famous writers and correspondents who now work in various fields of the republic have left this department. Today, the team always remembers and honors outstanding scientists and teachers. These are S. Akmurzin, A. Kushimbayev, H. Suyunshaliev, M. Atymov, N. Bisengaliev, A. Narymbetov, O. Tulegenov, B. Abylkasimov, G. Abukhanov, M. Tleuzhanov, K. Myrzagaliev, M. Zholdykirova, S.G.Sharabasov, O.Burkitov, etc. Teachers of Kazakh philology Mukhambetkalieva R.K. Yerzhanova U.R., Niyazgalieva A.A., who devoted their adult lives to educating generations, are currently on well-deserved leave.

The department, which has a history of more than ninety years, has trained thousands of graduates who today work for the benefit of the people in all corners of the country. In the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" poets and writers – J. Nabiullin, A. Narikov, R. Otarbayev, G. Seitak, A. Shakhin, M. Shuinshalieva, as well as poets of aitys – Sh. Kydyrniazova, M. Kosymbayev, D. Mushtanova, Zh. Boltanova, N.Karimova, Zh. Musina, T. Myki. On this day, the department has an akyn school named after Akushtap Bakhtygereev and an auditorium named after the poetess.

The main purpose of the department was to train highly qualified specialists providing higher philological education and sustainable development of the university, joint implementation of educational, methodological, research, educational activities on the basis of combining science, education and production. The mission of the department is to train specialists who meet domestic and international criteria, are capable of competitive, spiritual, moral and patriotic education, as well as the formation of a scientific, intellectual and information and cultural environment.

The educational program for the training of teachers of language and literature includes the following educational programs:

B016 - Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

6B01701 – Kazakh language and literature

6B01702 – Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction

6B01711 – Kazakh language and literature, English

B017 - Training of teachers of Russian language and literature

6B01703 – Russian language and literature

6B01704 – Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction

The department has been running a master's degree program since 2004. The teaching staff of the Department of Kazakh Philology mainly employs specialists with academic degrees, creative ties with scientists from Turkey, Russia (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan).

The tasks of the department are the implementation of educational programs; implementation of innovation policy in the direction of informatization of education, the introduction of new methods of education; conducting research.

A certificate was received confirming that the department has passed specialized accreditation for educational programs Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh language and literature in schools with a non-Kazakh language of instruction in 2022, Kazakh language and literature, English in 2023 for a period of 5 years.

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