Faculty of Philology

Faculty Management

Ақболатов Айдарбек Ахметұлы
Филология факультетінің деканы, М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан университетінің қауымдастырылған профессоры, PhD доктор, доцент
Tleukenova Elmira Zhumagalievna
Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Bolat Gulzhan Muratkyzy
Lecturer, Master, Deputy Dean for Educational Work and Social Issues


Tleukenova Elmira Zhumagalievna - Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs.

Bolat Gulzhan Muratkyzy -Lecturer, Master, Deputy Dean for Educational Work and Social Issues

Student Dean of the Faculty:

Gadilzhanova Gulnaz, third-year student, educational program "Kazakh language and literature"

VISION - to be the center of philological education of the region, based on its best traditions accumulated over the years.


MISSION - training highly professional specialists in the following areas: education, human sciences.


The FACULTY STRATEGY is determined by the mission, vision and development priorities of the WKSU:

1. Training of competitive staff.

2. Formation of the university as a regional research center.

3. Development of human resources and management system.

4. Development of infrastructure and material and technical base.


1. Ensuring the quality of educational services by:

- high-quality training, management of course and diploma works, master's theses;

- improvement of curricula;

- introduction of active teaching methods, information technology, multimedia teaching tools;

- innovation activity by improving the efficiency of the functioning of the scientific direction departments and research circles.

2. Creating conditions for the civil development of students.

3. Expansion of cooperation with leading foreign universities.

4. Establishing close ties with employers.

5. Commercialization of teaching staff’s scientific works.

6. Professional development of teaching staff through the master's and doctoral studies.

7. Attraction of foreign specialists.

8. Creating a modern teaching and laboratory facilities and social infrastructure.

9. Informatization of education and research.


Teaching staff of the Philological faculty is actively involved in the implementation of the reform of higher and secondary education:

- strengthens the professional orientation in teaching each discipline of the university curriculum;

- in order to enhance the cognitive activity of students in the development of pedagogical professions, familiarize them with modern pedagogical technologies, problems of education, holds thematic conferences, round tables;

- manages the scientific projects of schoolchildren;

- participates in the development of training programs in specialized schools;

- provides consulting assistance to schools in the organization of teachers and students’ research work;

- pays great attention to the students’ preparation for the UNT, organizing classes and consultations with them;

- control of preparation of the middle state control, carrying out additional occupations, consultations;

- training of scientific and pedagogical staff through the master study;

- training of students, master students;

- implementation of regional and state important scientific-complex programs;

- working to improve the skills and teachers’ retraining with the regional IPK and PPK.


Department of Kazakh Philology

Department of Russian Philology

Department of Foreign Languages


List of undergraduate specialties:

5В011700 - Kazakh language and literature

5В011800 - Russian language and literature

5В011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

5В012100 - Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction

5В012200 - Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction

5В020500 - Philology: Russian language

5В020500 - Philology: the Kazakh language


List of Master's Specialties:

6М011700 - Kazakh language and literature

6М011800 - Russian language and literature

6М011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

6М020500 - Philology: the Kazakh language

6М020500 - Philology: Russian language


Address: Dostyk-Druzhba Avenue, 162.

Telephone: 8 (7112) 513-062

Fax: 8 (7112) 514-266

