One of the first events of the 2nd semester

Exemplary Faculty

The Cold Winds of December…

The exhibition «Faces of old Uralsk»

The Napoleons in Uralsk

Halloween Celebration

The event «Multilingualism of Kazakh Youth in the 21st Century»

Theatrical performance «CINDERELLA»

English quiz «English Quest: Battle of Knowledge»

Career guidance at the 7th school

Educational hour «The Book is our friend»

Concert for the Day of the Elderly

Pride and glory of ZKU named after M. Utemisov

Intellectual Game «Brain Ring»

Student Research Conference

Intellectual game «Oh, lucky!»

Open practical lesson «Too much information!»

Seminar «Developing Confidence»

Open practical lesson «Reported speech»

Intellectual game «Polyglot»

"Becoming a Writer is a Great Art"

Address: st.N.Nazarbayev 162, Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region.

Telephone: 8 (7112) 513-062

Fax: 8 (7112) 514-266

E-mail: info@wksu.kz