Intellectual game «Polyglot»

On April 2, 2024, teachers, masters of the Education Program «Teacher Training in Foreign Languages and Literature» of the Philological Faculty of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Kabasova K.A. and Tleukenova E.Zh., conducted an intellectual game «Polyglot» as part of the methodological month «Improving the Methodological Skills of Pedagogical Personnel Using Innovative Teaching Methods and Techniques in the Education System». The event was actively attended by first-year students of the Pedagogical and Physical-Mathematical Faculties (PE-12, PP-12, IS-11, and M-11).

The aim of the event was to increase students' interest and motivation in language learning, develop initiative, creative abilities, and promote student activity, as well as improve their speaking skills.

During the game, each team demonstrated their knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, and English languages, participated in quizzes on language, literature, and cultural studies. "Captain's Contest" and experts of proverbs in three languages were also held. The readers of each team expressively read poems.

It should be noted that the students coped well with all the tasks. Based on the results of the competition, the teams that took the prize places were determined. At the end of the competition, the teams were awarded winner diplomas.

