Business game «Trends and problems of modern school education»

03.04.2024 within the framework of the methodical month on the theme: «Improving teachers methodical skills using innovative methods and techniques of teaching in the education system», a public extracurricular arrangement in the form of a business game «International conference «Trends and problems in modern school education» was held by Polyanina O.G. (a senior teacher) and Shamgonova R.G. (Master, a senior teacher). The participants of this arrangement were the 3rd year students of Group FL-32. The purpose of this arrangement was to familiarize with the current trends and problems in education, as well as the search for possible solutions and innovative approaches. The conference began with the introductory speech of the senior lecturer Polyanina O.G., where she expressed the importance of the arrangement in the context of modern trends in the sphere of education. The hosts of the conference welcomed the participating countries: Kazakhstan, The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Nigeria, South Korea and Singapore. The conference focused on the topical issues related to education in each of the countries represented. The discussion of these issues allowed participants to exchange experiences and ideas, as well as to consider different approaches to solving similar problems. The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including the effectiveness of educational programs, introduction of modern technologies in the educational process, issues of accessibility of education for different population groups, as well as issues of staffing and professional training of teachers. The conference was a fruitful forum for discussion, analysis and finding solutions to the issues raised at the conference concerning the development of educational systems.


