In February 2024, an Olympiad in English was held among 2-4 courses of the EP “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”. The winners who took prizes were Baimukanova Zh., student of group IYa-42 (scientific supervisor, senior lecturer S.I. Kadyrgalieva), Zholdasbaeva A., student of group IYa -21 (scientific supervisor, senior teacher Nasimullina A.B.), Lobikova O., student of group IYa-32 (scientific supervisor, senior teacher Polyanina O.G.), Zharasov A., student of group IYa -32 (scientific supervisor, senior teacher Shamgonova R.G.) The same winners participated in the Republican Olympiad in English under the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, which took place on May 29 at ENU named after. L.N. Gumilev.
The Republican Olympiad consisted of two stages: 1st stage - interviews with jury members and solving a professional problem; Stage 2 - defense of the scientific project. All our participants coped with the tasks, but the most profound, excellent result in the first stage and a brilliant presentation of a scientific project on the topic: “Modern technologies in the formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence of secondary school students” was shown by 4th year student Zhanna Baimukanova (research supervisor, senior teacher Kadyrgalieva S.I.). Among 118 participants in the Republican Olympiad, she received a personalized diploma from the rector of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. She was also a prize-winner of the Republican competition of student works and numerous competitions.
The organizer and inspirer of the Republican Olympics was the head of the educational program “Training of Foreign Language and Literature Teachers”, senior teacher, master B.B. Utegalieva.
International Educational Corporation LLP held the XXIII Republican Student Scientific Conference “Student and Science: A Look into the Future” on May 30-31, 2024.
Student of group IYa-42 Baimukanova Zhanna made a report on the topic: “Features of organizing independent work of students in a foreign language at the senior stage of training in a secondary school” (scientific supervisor, senior teacher of the EP “Training of foreign language and literature teachers” Kadyrgalieva S.I.) and took 1st place. According to the jury of the International Educational Corporation, Zhanna Baimukanova’s report was recognized as one of the best.
It is also worth noting that Zhanna has been the owner of a Presidential scholarship for 3 years in a row, and last winter she became one of the 80 best students in Kazakhstan, having received a scholarship from the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.