OP on Languages, literature and information

Head of educational programs in languages, literature and information

Mukhanbetova Zhangulim Otepbergenkyzy, teacher, Master's degree

     The Department of Russian Philology - one of the oldest at the university - has been operating since 1932. The history of the department is closely connected with the biographies of prominent academic teachers who have made a significant contribution to the development of education and upbringing in Kazakhstan. This is Boyko V.S., Utekhina K.A., Malecha N.M., Evstratov N.G., Sollertinsky E.E., Fokin N.I., Kostyukov V.M., Shibaeva A.L. and etc.

Thanks to them, the department gradually developed its “scientific face”. The head of the department was Professor Boyko V.S., a specialist in foreign literature. From the moment of separation (1934), the Department of the Russian Language was headed by Associate Professor K. Utekhina, and Boyko V.S. continued to lead the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature.

The unique face of the department of linguists was formed by K. A. Utekhina, having educated a galaxy of remarkable Russian scholars, experts in their field.

Another significant personality of the department was Associate Professor N.M. Malecha, the initiator of the study of local dialect, the study of which has become central to the scientific work of the department for a long 30 years. Through the efforts of teachers and students, a scientific archive on dialectology was created at the department, containing more than 7 thousand works, as well as recording texts from dialect carriers. An eternal monument to the "chronicler Nestor" was published in Orenburg "Dictionary of dialects of the Ural (Yaitsky) Cossacks" in 4 volumes (2002-2004).

A graduate of the Uralsk Pedagogical Institute V.I. Rakhmanina headed the department after leaving K.A. Utekhina (1964-68). Her scientific research was related to the study of local dialects, on the material of which she defended her thesis in Kuibyshev (Samara), becoming a candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor.

A graduate of the Pedagogical Institute of Uralsk V.I. Rakhmaninа headed the department after leaving K.A. Utekhina (1964-68). Her scientific research was related to the study of local dialects, on the material of which she defended her thesis in Kuibyshev (Samara), becoming a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

In 1968, the assistant professor A. A. Koka, who worked at our institute by invitation from KazSU, was elected the head of the department. A skilled organizer, calm, balanced, he tried to help young teachers. A.A. Koka headed the department until 1978.

In these years, a separate Department of the Russian Language Teaching Methods was formed, headed by associate professor Abuzyarov R.A. Associate professor Saykieva S.M., senior teacher Anishchenko A.P., teachers Nurmukhambetova M.K., Semenova L.N., Dyadchenko N.G. worked with him. - very conscientious and demanding teachers.

    Since 1978, the department has been headed by N.S. Zhigalin, who completed postgraduate studies at Moscow State University and successfully defended his thesis. A student of Professor V.A. Beloshapkova, he remained faithful to the chosen field of scientific research - the syntax of the modern Russian language.

Since 1983, the head of the department has been transferred to associate professor KK Bialieva, who has led it for 20 years, and for the past 10 years, the combined department of Russian language and literature. Its merit was the stability and high scientific potential of the department of those years.

In the 90s, the department has a candidate of philological sciences, R.D. Urunova, a specialist in the history of the Russian language and general linguistics, who subsequently leads the department and completes a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Russian pronouns in the functional aspect (synchronous and diachronic analysis»).

Formation of the Russian and Foreign literature Department is closely associated with the names of many prominent literary critics.

The undoubted authority of the department was N.G. Evstratov, the graduate of the Saratov University . He was a type of genuinely Russian intellectual. His scientific interests were related to the work of V.G. Korolenko, about whom he wrote several books (in 1941 he defended his thesis). In 1938-1954 he headed the department of Russian and foreign literature.

Associate Professor E.I. Korotin for many years (about 15 years) served as deputy dean of the faculty, head of the department. Throughout the time, Korotin E.I. together with students and teachers of the department he was engaged in collecting works of traditional and modern folklore of Russians, Cossacks, Ukrainians. Based on the collected materials, he published a collection of folklore of the Ural Cossacks.

Associate Professor N.I. Fokin gave a lot of strength and energy to the department in the period 70-90 when he headed the department. Strict, principled Nikolai Ivanovich did not tolerate superficial knowledge and instilled in his students a love of reading literature.

In the 90s, the department was headed by associate professor N.M.Sherbanov, who expressed interest in local literary studies and folklore of the Ural Cossacks. He was the first to study the work of writer I.I. Zheleznov, defending his thesis at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Subsequently, the department was headed by associate professor N.A. Vydrina.

        The Department of the Russian Language Teaching Methods (1971-99) was formed in March 1971 as a result of the separation of the Russian Language Department. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences R.A. Abuzyarov, former teacher, head teacher, school director with 10 years of teaching experience, graduate student and senior scientific associate of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, was elected the head of the department. Under his leadership, the department became a school of pedagogical excellence, a center for research. The good growth of the methodological and scientific level of the department members is evidenced by the number of completed (4) in postgraduate studies at the department, and also in defended (6) candidate and doctoral dissertations (1). Professor R.A. Abuzyarov led the department for 27 years.

In 1997-98. Associate Professor A.P. Anishchenko was elected the head of the Department of Russian Linguodidactics, and the next two years L.K.Daminova headed

It can be considered the successor of the department of the practical course of the Russian language of the university, which continued the best traditions of its colleagues in the XXI century (head Utegenova K.T.).

The modern department of Russian philology was organized by the merger of the department of Russian philology and the department of the practical course of the Russian language. Over the years, the department was headed by candidates of sciences, associate professors G. S. Umarova, A. A. Abdulmanov, K. T. Utegenova, A. S. Mukhanbetkaliev, A. G. Bozbaeva, masters of pedagogical sciences, senior teachers V. K. Bazarbaeva, B.E. Shagimgereeva.

Address: West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk city, N. Nazarbayev avenue, 162, building B, office 321

Phone: 8(7112) 51-30-62

The department has been counting the years of its activity since the opening of the Ural Pedagogical Institute in 1932.

Purpose: today the Department of Russian Philology trains philologists - specialists in the Russian language and teachers (teachers of the Russian language and literature).

The department has 18 teachers and 2 laboratory assistants. 7 teachers have PhD degrees.

The department teaches disciplines related to the history of the Russian language, Russian and foreign literature, sections of linguistic science, methods of teaching the Russian language and literature at school.

Teachers of the Department of Russian Philology also teach practical Russian language courses at other faculties of the university.

Task: preparation of bachelors and masters in the specialties: "Philology: Russian Philology", "Russian Language and Literature", "Russian Language and Literature in Schools with Non-Russian Teaching".

History of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Department of the Modern Russian Language and Department of Linguodidactics
