Educational and methodical work

The work of the EMC within the EP «Teacher training in foreign languages and literature» is carried out in accordance with the approved plan and reflects all the spectrums of activities of the program. The composite parameters of the EMC are:

  1. Conducting open classes by program instructors with the presence of colleagues and their discussion aimed at exchanging teaching methodology experiences.
  2. Presentations by instructors on new approaches and modern technologies in foreign language teaching aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process
  1. Conducting mentoring activities with young colleagues, both in language and methodological aspects, aiming to enhance their professional qualifications and personal growth.
  2. The work of the expert commission aims to conduct surveys among students and colleagues («Teacher through the Eyes of Students», «Teacher through the Eyes of Colleagues»), as well as analyze all educational and methodological literature: textbooks, electronic textbooks, and methodological guides. The expert commission attends instructors' classes for discussion and analysis with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process.
  3. Developing educational and methodological guides, electronic textbooks to ensure the methodological support and quality of the educational process, and utilizing them in classes for the successful implementation of the educational program.

Educational and methodological guides and electronic textbooks.

 6.Development of video lectures for students' use in practical and theoretical classes.

- Video lesson on the topic «Present and Past Simple» by teacher, Master Frolov I.M.

- Video lesson on the topic «Beruf und Arbeit» by senior teacher Shunaibekova K.M.

- Video lesson on the topic «Gerund in English» by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Mukashev B.A.

  1. Conducting massive open online courses (MOOCs).

- English Language Level A2-B1. Author: Abiltaeva A.N.

This online lesson will teach you to understand sentences and commonly used expressions related to the most relevant areas (eg, basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). The student will be able to communicate in solving simple and routine problems that require a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine issues. Learn to describe in simple words aspects of your biography, immediate environment and issues related to immediate needs.

- English Language (A2). Authors: Esbergenova G.I., Sissekesheva A.S.

For all educational programs.

A course with systematized topics of basic concepts for teaching grammar, speaking, language, culture and characteristics of the country being studied for the Pre-intermediate level.

- IELTS Test Format. IELTS Test Format. Author: Bismanova Z.E.

The main goal of the course is to master the technologies - methods and techniques - for preparing for international standard English language exams and subsequent international certification of language proficiency levels. The course involves mastering techniques for improving and enhancing linguistic knowledge, skills, and abilities in accordance with international levels of language competency stratification and international communication.

  1. Involvement of faculty and staff in various events organized by the university at both university and republic levels. These include various online courses, competitions, and seminars.