Born in 1947 in Uralsk. Studied at schools No. 14 and No. 3. In 1965 he entered A.S. Pushkin Pedagogical Institute in Uralsk. After graduation worked in a number of high schools in Uralsk. In 1976-1992 – teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages at West Kazakhstan Agricultural Institute. In 1979–1982 a Moscow State University Philology Department postgraduste. Was awarded a candidate’s degree in philology. From 1992 to 2016 – head of the external relations department, translation department in oil and gas companies (Kazakhgaz, BatysTransGas, ZarubezhNefteGazStroy (Russia), NIPI NefteGaz, Baker Hughes, Zhaikmunai). Since 2017, teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages at West Kazakhstan University.
Professional development
- IELTS Certificate. July 06, 2019. Candidate ID 024899707. Issued under the authority of the British Council, IDP, Cambridge Assessment English.
- Advanced Qualification Courses (Theoretical Phonetics, Theoretical Grammar, Lexicology) at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2020.
- Online course on English language teaching methodology and content development under the guidance of Graham Derry, an English language specialist at the U.S. Department of State. September – October 2020. Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University. Training Center.
- "AGEU-training" Advanced Qualification Courses from August 15 to August 27, 2022, totaling 72 hours on the topic: English Language in the Oil and Gas Industry.
- VII International Scientific Conference. London, Great Britain. June 15-16, 2023. "Challenges and Problems of Modern Science."
- Advanced Qualification Courses from April 03 to April 14, 2023, for Academic and Specialized Purposes in English, totaling 72 hours at the M. Utemisov ZKU Training Center. April 2023.
- Advanced Qualification Courses from May 05 to May 11, 2023, on the theoretical foundations of the English language for the preparation of future English language teachers, totaling 72 hours at the M. Utemisov WKU Training Center. April 2023.
Scientific works
- Mukashev B.A., Bekmukhambetova S.B. Le français pour les débutants. French for Beginners: Educational and Methodological Guide / B.A. Mukashev, Bekmukhambetova. – Uralsk: RITS ZKGU named after M. Utemisov, 2019. – 196 p.
- Mukashev B.A., Kubaeva A. Project Technology as the Basis for Developing Dialogical Speech Skills. – Philological Sciences, No. 4, 2019. - Astana, Kazakhstan.
- Features Of Abbreviations As An Effective Way Of Online Communication / By Kamzanova Botagoz; Research advisor – Mukashev Bolat. – Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Journal Global Science And Innovations 2020: Central Asia. – Series "Philological Sciences", No. 3, Volume I, February-March, 2020. - Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
- Dynamics of the Aorist Gerund in Agysh / B.A. Mukashev, A.B. Kanatkaliyeva. - Republican Scientific and Methodological Journal TAGYLIM, No. 05 (100), p. 43. May 2022.
- English Gerund as a Dynamic Phenomenon. ZKU Bulletin, No. 2, 2022, pp. 90-95.
- Lessons from My Teachers. Collection of Articles for the 90th Anniversary of ZKU. – Uralsk: ZKU Publishing House, 2022. p. 139-143.
- Language Coaching: A Pathway to Effective Communication / B.A. Mukashev, V.P. Sokolova. - In: German International Journal of Modern Sciences, No. 55, 2023. – pp. 38-40.
- Abbreviations in the System of English Oil and Gas Terminology / B.A. Mukashev, V.P. Sokolova.- In: Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference Challenges and Problems of Modern Science. 15-16 June 2023. London, United Kingdom. pp. 21-26.
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Theory of the English language
- Business English
- Regional and cultural studies
- English in the oil and gas sector
- English language. Level B2
- English language. Level C2
- English (professional)
- English for academic purposes