
The organization of internships at M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the "Rules for the Organization and Conduct of Professional Internships and Determination of Organizations as Internship Bases", approved by the Decision of the extraordinary Academic Council of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University on August 27, 2022. Protocol No. 1.

 The implementation and organization of internships in the educational program "Training of Teachers in Foreign Languages and Literature" are carried out in accordance with the Educational Program 6B01705 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages," which is developed based on the "State Compulsory Higher Education Standard" approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 dated July 20, 2022. The educational program was discussed and received a positive decision at the meeting of the Department of Foreign Languages (Protocol No. 7, March 09, 2023). Additionally, the educational program was reviewed and recommended at the meeting of the Philological Faculty Council (Protocol No. 7, March 10, 2023) and approved by the decision of the Academic Council of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University (Protocol No. 9, May 30, 2022).




Educational (Introductory) Practice 1

Practice goal: Students' awareness of the social significance of the teacher's activities.

Practice content: Familiarization with the school's management system in the overall pedagogical process, school documentation (school work plan, class teacher's plans, etc.), and teacher's activities.

Educational (Introductory) Practice 2

Practice goal: Students' awareness of the teacher's influence on shaping the student's personality.

Practice content: Familiarization with the activities of subject-specific teachers and class teachers using various methods, understanding the peculiarities of physical development, daily routine, student nutrition, class schedules, and the school's material and technical equipment.

Psychological and Pedagogical Practice 1

Practice goal: Study of the state of the pedagogical process in the classroom.

Practice content: Examination of the normative and developed plans by teachers, the state of the educational process in various forms, participation in the preparation of didactic materials for the subject teacher's lesson.

Psychological and Pedagogical Practice 2

Practice goal: Understanding the state of the educational and upbringing process as integral parts of the overall pedagogical process.

Practice content: Study of extracurricular work in the subject, the class teacher's work system; participation in various forms of extracurricular cognitive activities, implementation of educational activities according to the educational work plan.

Language Practice 1

The goal of the practice is to consolidate and deepen knowledge of the English language, acquire skills for independent practical work in English.

Language Practice 2

Language practice is an integral part of the educational process aimed at consolidating and deepening theoretical knowledge gained during the learning process, as well as enhancing practical language skills for professional communication.

Pedagogical Practice 1

Practice goal: Formation of practical skills and abilities in planning, organizing, and conducting educational, extracurricular, and educational work in English; developing the ability to document work in an educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the updated content of secondary education. Pedagogical practice allows students to carry out diagnostic activities, adapt to the school, develop communicative culture, and enhance organizational skills, tactics, and strategies of pedagogical communication.

Pedagogical Practice 2

Practice goal: Formation of professional pedagogical competencies related to designing and implementing the educational process of teaching in the education system; providing conditions for the social and professional adaptation of students, mastering the norms and values of the teaching profession, and acquiring practical experience in pedagogical activities, contributing to the professional orientation of their personality.

Production (Pedagogical) Practice

Начало формы


Practice goal: Formation of practical skills in independent conduct and analysis of educational activities; application of modern teaching strategies (critical thinking, functional literacy, criterion-based assessment, collaborative learning), innovative educational technologies; practical implementation of psychological and pedagogical research in accordance with the chosen topic of the final qualification work.Начало формы


   The practice bases include secondary general education schools in the regional center, secondary schools in the districts of the West Kazakhstan Region, and neighboring regions of the Western region. There are 22 secondary schools in the city and 18 schools in the district serving as practice bases. The coverage of students is 100%. Language practice is organized based on the EP "Teacher Training in Foreign Languages and Literature."

   The implementation and organization of internships in the EP "Teacher Training in Foreign Languages and Literature" are carried out in accordance with the EP 7M01705 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", developed based on the "State Compulsory Postgraduate Education Standard" approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 dated July 20, 2022, with amendments as of January 19, 2023. The educational program was discussed and received a positive decision at the meeting of the Department of Foreign Languages (Protocol No. 7, March 09, 2023). Additionally, the educational program was reviewed and recommended at the meeting of the Philological Faculty Council (Protocol No. 7, March 10, 2023) and approved by the decision of the Academic Council of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University (Protocol No. 10, June 19, 2023).


Pedagogical Practice

Pedagogical practice is an integral part of the master's degree educational program, providing opportunities for master's students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities and develop the necessary professional skills. Objective of the practice: to equip master's students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills for working in a university setting, and to foster the development of professional qualities and the foundations of pedagogical mastery.

Research (including internship) practiceНачало формы


Goal: to expand and deepen the knowledge acquired during the study of theoretical and applied subjects in the general and professional cycles; to form and develop skills of independent thinking in the chosen area of professional activity.

Content: Study of scientific, educational, methodological, educational-methodical, and periodical literature, normative-reference and legal information on the theory and practice of the scientific problem constituting the subject of the master's work, corresponding to the direction of future professional activity. Development of an individual plan for completing the practice and a schedule for conducting research within the scope of the master's thesis topic in accordance with the developed practice program. Examination of the main approaches to solving the scientific problem that constitutes the subject of the master's work in contemporary literature.


The implementation and organization of internships in the EP " Teacher Training in Foreign Languages and Literature " are carried out in accordance with the EP 7M01709 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", developed based on the "State Compulsory Postgraduate Education Standard" approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 dated July 20, 2022, with amendments as of January 19, 2023. The educational program was discussed and received a positive decision at the meeting of the Department of Foreign Languages (Protocol No. 7, March 09, 2023). Additionally, the educational program was reviewed and recommended at the meeting of the Philological Faculty Council (Protocol No. 7, March 10, 2023) and approved by the decision of the Academic Council of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University (Protocol No. 9, May 30, 2022).


Production practice

Pedagogical practice is an integral part of the master's degree educational program, providing opportunities for master's students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities and develop the necessary professional skills.

The objective of the practice is for master's students to acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills for working in a university setting, as well as to develop professional qualities and the foundations of pedagogical mastery.


